What must people think?

A stranger lurking around, eyeing up your possessions.

I was looking around this Landrover parked up by the gate to a house on the mountain. Piled full of stuff and rotting away. Ooh, a rotting Landy shot, always love a rotting Landy shot so I popped up the viewfinder on the RZ, took a light reading and started to compose my shot. 

Out the corner of my eye I could see someone was watching me from the other side of the hedge. A woman with a dog on a lead. Why take your dog into your garden and just stand there? Oh of course, stupid me. She was watching me! No doubt wondering why the hell some bloke with a ruddy big camera was lurking around her property.

I stick out like a sore thumb on this part of the mountain, just a few houses dotted around. Other than the odd dog walker, mountain biker or sheep, that’s all there is. No doubt she’s worried I’m up to no good, eyeing up the Landy to come back later hitch it up on a trailer and take it away. Nah, not me, all I wanted was a photo.

I waved and said hello to assure her I wasn’t up to anything sinister. This Landrover was parked up long ago and is now rotting, surrounded with nettles. It’s not going anywhere but I asked her if she will get it going one day, breaking the ice. She laughed.

It was her fathers who had died a few years ago and she couldn’t part with it. She placed her hand on her heart, “It reminds me of him.”

~ Mark

Mamiya RZ67 Proii / 645 Back / Ilford FP4 / Home developed & scanned


I Really want a Hayabusa


Did you just take my photo?