Ilford Feature

I can’t deny it, getting noticed is a thrill.

A comment, a like or a tip of the hat is always noted and very much appreciated. So getting some work featured by Ilford is particularly sweet. Ilford have been my go-to brand for black and white film since my college days and now I have a darkroom again their photographic paper and chemicals are always on hand.

My portrait of Scott has been selected to be featured as part of Ilford’s regular Friday Favourites — this week photographs printed in the darkroom.

Shot on 120 Ilford Ortho Plus 80, developed in Ilford chemicals, split grade printed on 8 x 10" Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Glossy in my darkroom with Ilford chemicals. This photograph is Ilford through and through.


Round Two


Framelines Magazine Spotlight Feature